Leap year is what causes this. It was designed in the past for a year to be 365 days and a quarter (.25) so it would be enough days in the winter season.
February has 28 days in the normal days and 29 days in the leap year.
The only month that has 28 or 29 days is February.
No, February has 28 days, 29 if it is a leap year.
February does not have 27 days. It has 28 days, or 29 days in a leap year.
February has 28 days in the normal days and 29 days in the leap year.
The only month that has 28 or 29 days is February.
The month of February has 28 days except on Leap Year when it has 29 days.
No it had 28 days
No, February has 28 days, 29 if it is a leap year.
February has only 28 days UNLESS the year can be evenly divided by 4 with no leftovers. Then it is a leap year with 29 days.1992 divided by 4 = 498 with no leftoversTherefore 1992 WAS a leapyear and therefore had 29 days.
No, there are 28 days in February except in a leap year when there are 29 days.
February does not have 27 days. It has 28 days, or 29 days in a leap year.
February is the shortest month of the year with 28 days, and 29 days during a leap year.
It is February but in a Leap Year it will have 29 days