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dont worry i hate math too

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Q: Why do I get really frustrated and start crying whenever I see math problems is this normal?
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Can rare earth metals be used in scientific notation?

Scientific notation is often used to represent very large and very small numbers. Actually, you can also express a "normal-sized" number in scientific notation. So, whenever there is a number, you may use scientific notation.

Why you use series expansion ie Taylor or maclaron or any other series during solving problems?

Some functions cannot be evaluated by normal means and you need an infinite series to get approximate answers.

Why normal distribution used in solving probability problems?

Because of the Central Limit Theorem, the mean value of sets of observations is distributed Normally. Irrespective of the underlying distribution of a variable, the distribution of a sum (or mean) of such variables tends towards the Normal distribution. So, for sufficiently large samples, all distributions can be approximated by thye Normal distribution. One of the consequences is that the distribution has been studied extensively and a lot is known about tests based on it.

Normal curve is the meaning of standard normal distribution?

No, the normal curve is not the meaning of the Normal distribution: it is one way of representing it.

Why does a researcher want to go from a normal distribution to a standard normal distributio?

A normal distribution simply enables you to convert your values, which are in some measurement unit, to normal deviates. Normal deviates (i.e. z-scores) allow you to use the table of normal values to compute probabilities under the normal curve.

Related questions

Is it normal for you to cry when your boyfriend is crying?

It's normal to cry when a love one is crying because people often feel the hurt of the people they care about.

Why do do people get angry vs sad?

Anger is a normal response to injustice. Sadness is a normal response to loss. Sometimes people have a confused sense of justice, so they become angry whenever they are frustrated, i.e. don't get their own way. So a loss can make them both sad and angry.

How do people become fixated in a Freudian stage?

Their normal developmental urges are frustrated.

Is it normal for a 3 month old infants to stiffen when crying?

Yes it normal for infants to stiffen when crying or screaming. It is caused by the action of crying (try screaming really loud and you will find that you tense your body), they also stiffen if they do not want to be picked up. As long as the stiffness does not last beyond the crying there is nothing to worry about.

Is crying unnatural?

No, crying is a natural human response to certain emotions or situations. It serves as a way to release built-up emotions and can provide a sense of relief. Crying can be a healthy and normal expression of emotions.

Why do you always want to cry whenever you see someone you love or care about?

Crying during great emotion is a normal physical response. Many people cry when they are extremely happy or extremely sad. If you are finding that you are crying for no real reason, however, I do recommend having a good check-up with your doctor. There are many things besides depression which will give similar results!

Can crying cause a miscarriage?

No, all the normal body functions are not dangerous when you are pregnant or cause a miscarriage. If the reason you are crying is severe shock or something then maybe.

When someone types 'siff' in a normal conversation what does it mean?

it means hes crying

What is the normal grade to get a girlfriend?

Really there is no normal grade, its whenever you feel comfortable enough have one.

Is it not normal to cry?

Crying is a natural human response to various emotions such as sadness, joy, frustration, or relief. It is a healthy way to release pent-up emotions and can provide emotional relief and catharsis. It is perfectly normal to cry and should not be seen as a sign of weakness.

How do you make him cry during sex?

Crying in bed is a normal reaction for some and not something you force. If it's not normal for him you should not try to make him do it.

What is the difference between a normal person and a person with mind problems?

A normal person is normal. And a person with mind problems asks these sort of questions.