

Why do I keep finding quarters?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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Q: Why do I keep finding quarters?
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What are 1952 quarters made of?

Silver, but they now make quarters out of copper and nickel so if you have a quarter that was made before 1965 keep it!!

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It means to keep them unaware, to keep them from finding out the truth.

How much quarters worth?

The US does not make platinum quarters because everyone would keep them for the platinum that is inside them and they would be worth way more than a quarter.

Do astronauts keep their quarters clean?

Yes, astronauts are expected to keep their quarters clean and organized just like any other living space. This helps to maintain hygiene, prevent the spread of germs, and promote a healthy living environment while in space. Regular cleaning schedules are established to ensure the quarters remain tidy.

What is the top line of a fraction called?

The top line of a fraction is called the "numerator". This serves to "numerate" the number of objects that you are finding a fraction of. For example, in the fraction 3/4, you are finding three quarters of something else.

Is it bad luck to keep finding feathers?

No, not at all.

Are there any misprints on Maryland quarters?

Yes. I don't know them all but there are some. Don't get your hopes up on finding one in pocket change.