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Q: Why do blacks call themselves black when they might be 50 percent white?
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Why are there so many blacks in Latin American countries like Brazil?

The enslavement of blacks might usually account for their populations in areas where they are not indigenous.

Why might blacks be afraid to testify on the Emmett till case?

Blacks in the South during the Emmett Till case could be afraid to testify due to fear of retaliation from the white community, fear of violence or harm to themselves or their families, and lack of protection from law enforcement or the legal system. The pervasive racism and systemic discrimination during that time would have made it extremely dangerous for black individuals to speak out against white perpetrators.

Why did blacks have fear of being 'sold down south'?

You might be separated from your family.

How did the nobles get the black plague?

My guess would be servants taking food to them ect. Who had the plague themselves and just didn't know it yet. Also it might have been in the food which might have come from a sick cook.

What was the result of the popularity of the Populist Party among blacks in the South?

Southerners realized that blacks were a potent political force and that they would have to share power politically. It heightened fears of Southerners that blacks might gain political power.

Why white social reformers and humanitarians during the progressive era might have supported separate hospitals and schools for black thereby perpertuating segregation?

Few whites, no matter how liberal, believed that blacks were actually equal to whites.

What country do the all blacks play in?

The All Blacks are from New Zealand, and comprise the national men's rugby union team of that country. All Black Seven is the NAME of a rugby team from New Zealand, and not because the players might be all blacks. Incidentally, there are not blacks in New Zealand, but they are some natives with darker skin called Maori. For example In India there are , especially in the South are darker skin, but they are actually "Whiter" than the lighter skin Europeans. Skin complexion is just one factor to determine the race of a person.

Who is somebody that nobody knows for black history month?

Nobody! At least 1 person knows-- themselves, even though they might not know they're in lots of books.

What are major problems in Malawi?

They might n=not have money to buy food and they could die

Should you let your white daughter date blacks?

Yes. It might make you less racist.

What made martin stand up for blacks?

Martin Luther King jr. wanted equal rights for whites and blacks. He thought it was wrong to give whites a larger amount of money for jobs. Also, he wanted no discrimination against anyone (from blacks to whites, or whites to blacks) even though this might have brought up riots.

What would someone who is 25 percent black and 75 percent white look like?

They'd probably look like a white person. I know someone who is 25% black and I never knew until they told me. The actor Van Disel is also 25% black and you can't tell at all! Mostly its very rare for them to have black features because there's more white in them than black. They might have a slightly darker skintone than white people, but I think that would be the only black trait that would be noticeable.