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Q: Why do boats with greater than 0.5m freeboard require an approved re-boarding device?
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Is cmj university DEC approved?

As per law, Universities do not require AICTE approval. Only institutions which are affiliated to Universities require approval. As CMJ University is a Bonafide University established by a State Act, it does not require AICTE approval. This standing of law is notified in the case of Bharathidasan University Vs AICTE.

Is piem delhi approved by aicte?

PIEM DELHI the admissions to Distance Education. Degree / Diploma obtained through distance education mode and approved by dec does no require AICTE Approvel .......

Is iipm is approved by aictecan you join this?

IIPM don't require aicte approval as it is not any technical institute its an management institute and approved by ugs for more details contact

How do you fill out a bill of sale?

Depending on which state you live in, you may be required to use a state approved bill of sale form. The state approved bill of sale forms typically require information such as: the seller's and buyer's name and address; the car's vin number, make, model, body type & year; odometer reading; and sale price. Some of these state approved bill of sale forms also require the seller's and buyer's signatures be notarized. Other states have moved this information to the title where you complete it when selling the motor vehicle and no longer require a state approved bill of sale form.Depending on which state you live in, you may be required to use a state approved bill of sale form. The state approved bill of sale forms typically require information such as: the seller's and buyer's name and address; the car's vin number, make, model, body type & year; odometer reading; and sale price. Some of these state approved bill of sale forms also require the seller's and buyer's signatures be notarized. Other states have moved this information to the title where you complete it when selling the motor vehicle and no longer require a state approved bill of sale form.

Does moving an object a greater distance always require a greater amount of work?

Moving an object a greater distance does not necessarily require a greater amount of work. Work is calculated based on the force applied and the distance moved in the direction of the force. So, if the force decreases as the object moves a greater distance, the work done may not necessarily increase.

How do you word a bill of sale?

Depending on which state you live in, you may be required to use a state approved bill of sale form. The state approved bill of sale forms typically require information such as: the seller's and buyer's name and address; the car's vin number, make, model, body type & year; odometer reading; and sale price. Some of these state approved bill of sale forms also require the seller's and buyer's signatures be notarized. Other states have moved this information to the title for you to complete when you sell the car and no longer require a state approved bill of sale form.

Auto bill of sale?

Depending on which state you live in, you may be required to use a state approved bill of sale form. The state approved bill of sale forms typically require information such as: the seller's and buyer's name and address; the car's vin number, make, model, body type & year; odometer reading; and sale price. Some of these state approved bill of sale forms also require the seller's and buyer's signatures be notarized. Other states have moved this information to the title for you to complete when you sell the car and no longer require a state approved bill of sale form.

Do you need a bill of sale?

Depending on which state you live in, you may be required to use a state approved bill of sale form. The state approved bill of sale forms typically require information such as: the seller's and buyer's name and address; the car's vin number, make, model, body type & year; odometer reading; and sale price. Some of these state approved bill of sale forms also require the seller's and buyer's signatures be notarized. Other states have moved this information to the title for you to complete when you sell the car and no longer require a state approved bill of sale form.

Bill of sale for used car?

Depending on which state you live in, you may be required to use a state approved bill of sale form. The state approved bill of sale forms typically require information such as: the seller's and buyer's name and address; the car's vin number, make, model, body type & year; odometer reading; and sale price. Some of these state approved bill of sale forms also require the seller's and buyer's signatures be notarized. Other states have moved this information to the title for you to complete when you sell the car and no longer require a state approved bill of sale form.

What is difference between AICTE approved college and UGC approved college?

AICTE approval is specific for the college, course or Institute but UGC approval is for Universities. Colleges offering UGC approved courses doesn't require additional compliance except the university approval but AICTE approved colleges needs to satisfy certain criterion to please AICTE.

How can you get your drivers license back now that your paying child support?

It will require an approved motion to the courts to release the freeze of the license.