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Natural selection. It helps to reduce the numbers of seasons when they all come out at the same time, and so reduces competition.

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8mo ago

Cicadas likely evolved to have prime-numbered life cycles as a strategy to avoid synchronization with other insect species or predators. By having longer life cycles that are not easily divisible by other common periods, cicadas can reduce competition and increase their chances of survival and reproduction. This unique adaptation may have provided an evolutionary advantage, leading to the prevalence of prime-numbered life cycles among cicadas.

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Q: Why do cicadas wait a prime number of years before coming out?
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What other theoies have been put forward to explain why cicadas wait a prime number of years before emerging?


How did the cicadas decide that they would wait a prime number of year before emerging?

To think of cicadas as "deciding" something is anthropomorphizing; that is, using words that describe human attributions with things that don't really think as humans do. What probably happened is that those cicadas which happened to have a prime number cycle tended to avoid having predators match their periodic appearances and so increased relative to those that didn't, and as a consequence, got eaten. This is Natural Selection. Incidently, only Periodic cicadas have prime number cycles (17 or 13 years); there are also Annual cicadas which as their name implies, appear every year.

What other theories have been put forward to explain why cicadas wait prime number of years before emeging?

I dont now i need some one to tell me :(

How do cicadas know about prime numbers?


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61 is the prime number before 67.

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The prime number before 8 is 7.

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The prime number just before ninety-seven is 89.

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