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Q: Why do countries use symbols?
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Who was the creator of the symbols of a circuit?

No-one created circuit symbols; they evolved over time. And, in fact, different countries use different standards for their symbols so US standard symbols, for example, are different from European standards.

What Islamic countries use the crescent and star symbol on their flag?

The countries that use the star and crescent symbols are the countries Algeria, Azerbaijan, Comoros, Malaysia, The Maldives, Mauritania, Pakistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.

Do buddists have symbols?

All states, societies, religions, tribes, countries and nations have symbols.

What countries use Roman numerals now?

None. Every language (except for a small few) use the symbols "1", "2", "3", etc. (Those that do not use those symbols, such as Arabic, Persian, Urdu, and Hindi, don't use Roman numerals, but rather something else.)

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Why do some countries have symbols?

to tell them apart from other

How do you use symbols on Instagram?

Download Emoji in the App store and symbols will be integrated into your iPhone's keyboard. You can use those symbols on Instagram.

Why do countries choose to have national symbols?

Countries choose to have national symbols to represent their identity, values, and history. These symbols help foster a sense of unity and pride among citizens, and can also serve as a way to communicate important messages to the rest of the world.

Are number symbols the same around the world?

No, number symbols can vary around the world. While many countries use the Arabic numerals (0-9), some languages and cultures have their own unique number symbols derived from different historical systems, such as Chinese, Roman, or Devanagari numerals.

What do the symbols on the euro notes mean?

The Euro notes have got symbols that can be easily identified. These symbols are the twelve stars and the bridge. The bridge symbolizes the unity among the countries.