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Q: Why do crack users have pennies lying around?
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Related questions

What form do users take crack in?

Crack is form of cocaine that is processed for the purpose of smoking it.

Why do they ask to see the bottom of a crack users tongue?

To see if you are hiding any packages or rocks of crack under your tongue.

What is another users password for facebook?

help you hack, crack, or gain passwords for accounts.

Is this site full of lying useless information?

Absolutely not. The site works hard to make sure it's full of factual, useful information. Any lying, useless information would be removed by supervisors (and sometimes anonymous users or registered users as well).

Would sperm from a crack addict make you fail drug test?

i think so. it deffinitely does for opiate users.

Where do you go to crack Moshi Monster Rox codes?

At various times, the Daily Growl posts a 'Crack the Code' challenge where some users can win Rox if they post the correct answer to the code. Read the Daily Growl for the 'Crack the Code' challenges. Just post a Comment with your answer.

Who uses crack cocaine?

90% of users are poor minorities living in an inner city area. On a government report a while back.

What are the challenges Social workers face working with individual who are mandated by Department of Social Service?

parents addicted to crack parents abusing kids sexyually and physcially you need to notice signs and be able to get the kid to tell you whats going on around the house if you suspect the parents are users pipes and crack rocks maby even residu you need to be able to tell if there high at the time

How many users are there in Facebook around the world?

According to Expanded Ramblings, updated April 2014, there are 1.28 billion Facebook users around the world.

What is the most widely used substance in the us as of 2003?

Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug, with a rate of 6.1% (14.6 million current users). There were 2.0 million current cocaine users, 467,000 of whom used crack. Hallucinogens were used by 929,000 people, and there were an estimated 166,000 heroin users.

What drugs do?

cocaine(coke/crack/base) ,crystal methamphetamine (ice) speed and others are called stimulant. these make users feel very happy and have loads of energy. they will be more sexually atracted to others. heroin,methadone,cannabis,valium and others are depressents. these make users feel very relaxed happy and sleepy. ecstacy,magic mushrooms(shrooms/mushies),LSD, ketamine and others are hallucinagens. these make users feel as though they are seeing sounds or hearing colours, they make users have loads of energy and have love for anyone and everyone around them. does that answer the question?

How big is one pound of crack cocaine?

One pound of crack cocaine is approximately 453.6 grams. It is typically sold in smaller units, such as grams or ounces, to individual users or in larger quantities to distributors. It is illegal to possess, sell, or use crack cocaine in most countries due to its highly addictive and dangerous nature.