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If you plot data they must take some shape (or another)! Data distributions can take all kinds of shapes. The only constraints are that

  • they cannot be negative and
  • the integral (sum) over all possible values is 1.

The shapes can be flat (uniform distribution), symmetric (uniform or Gaussian), asymmetric with one peak somewhere in the middle (Poisson), asymmetric with a peak at an end (exponential). These are examples of different shapes that are attained by common continuous data distributions.

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Q: Why do data distributions take a particular shape?
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Investment Distributions This calculator helps you determine either how large or how long periodic distributions can be taken out of an investment before it runs out. If you enter the number of years you need the distributions to last, this calculator determines the amount you can take out each period. If you enter a periodic distribution, it will calculate how long before your balance runs out.

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What does data types mean?

A particular kind of data item, as defined by the values it can take, the programming language used, or the operations that can be performed on it. I hope this has been useful to you.