maybe because they are caused due to a time varying magnetic field
An eddy or whirlpool.
Eddy Curry
I paid $200 to a friend for a 30-06 in used but working order. Origins of it are unknown. (I am using a friends computer)
1-It decrease the rate of increase of pressure and reduces energy losses. 2-Otherwise there may form eddy current due to separation of wall.
That is a question that can be found on Wikapedia. Basically, its founder, Mary Baker Eddy, was being treated by a man named Phinius Parkhurst Quimby, who practised a modified version of hypnotism to cure his patients. Apparently Eddy was cursed by this man, after she went to him, having fallen on ice, whilst out skating. She adopted and somewhat altered his teaching, and came up with Christian Science, that insists on the non-being, that things are not real, only we perceive them to be real. It is a very Satanic cult.Answer 2:Mary Baker Eddy searched for physical health throughout the first 45 years of her life. Just before discovering Christian Science, she tried two alternative healing methods.First, she utilized a water cure method at Dr. Vail’s Hydropathic Institute in Hill, New Hampshire. This method was a combination of air, exercise, diet, and water treatments. She only grew physically worse with this modality.Next, Eddy tried to obtain a cure by using the services of a mesmeric healer, Phineas Parkhurst Quimby. Quimby’s methods helped her for a short time, but her ailments quickly returned.The failures of the two systems lead Eddy to focus her approach to wellbeing more completely on the healings of Jesus.Then Eddy had an accident. The severity of the accident made others believe she wouldn't live much longer or at least recover from the effects of the accident. However, since she was a lifelong student of the Scriptures, it was natural for her to turn to the Bible at this time.While lying on her bed reading accounts of Christ Jesus' healing works, she suddenly saw that life was in and of Spirit, God, instead of in and of the body or physicality. And she was restored from the effects of the accident.She was grateful for this healing, but she wasn't completely satisfied. She still yearned to know more about God as a God who heals all our diseases. Was there a consistent spiritual healing method? So, for the next three years, she pondered her healing and searched the Scriptures. And this is when she discovered what she felt were the laws of spiritual healing. She named her discovery at first, Moral Science, then later, Christian Science.
The term "eddy" comes from the swirling motion of the electrical currents induced in a conductor by a changing magnetic field. These currents form closed loops that resemble eddies in a stream or river, hence the name "eddy current."
To eliminate eddy currents you can cut small slits in metals. This will prevent larger eddy currents from occurring. Placing insulators between small laminations can also help to protect against eddy currents.
Yes, a transformer has eddy currents.
If you are referring to currents in iron cores, circular currents are called eddy currents.
'Eddy currents' are a circulating currents set up as a result of voltages induced into a metal component which not intended to carry current. For example, eddy currents are induced into the silicon-steel core of a transformer due to voltages induced into the core by the changing currents in the transformer's windings. Eddy currents are unavoidable, although steps can be taken to minimise them -in the case of a transformer's core, by manufacturing the core from laminations. Eddy currents generally have no useful function, but represent energy losses. To answer your question directly, eddy currents can only exist in conducting materials.
J. A. Tegopoulos has written: 'Eddy currents in linear conducting media' -- subject(s): Eddy currents (Electric)
Eddy currents
Assuming the eddy currents are caused by the object falling through a magnetic field, the energy for the eddy currents come from the movement through the magnetic field. Therefore, simply due to energy conservation, the object should be slowed down.
An 'eddy' (not 'eddi'!) current is a current that flows in the magnetic circuit (core) of an electrical machine, due to a voltage induced into that core by a changing magnetic field. Eddy currents cause energy losses in electrical machines. To minimise eddy currents and, therefore, their losses, machines use laminated cores which restrict the paths through which eddy currents can flow.
Eddy currents in a magnetic drum can be produced by rotating the drum in close proximity to a magnetic field. The changing magnetic field induces currents in the metal drum, which in turn creates its own magnetic field that interacts with the original field, causing eddy currents to flow within the drum.
i don't know......sorry =)
It does. We call this current, or currents, 'eddy currents', and they are minimised by using laminated cores.