It depends on whether they are stuck together so as to form a 1x1x6 cuboid or a 1x2x3 cuboid, or a 1x1x2 cuboid on top of a 1x2x2 cuboid. Each of these will give a different answer.
im pretty sure its 2 trees stuck or grown together
Two tetrahedron stuck together by a face.
Everybody seen flies stuck together.
Stuck Together with God's Glue was created in 1990.
There is not a specific reason why light skinned girls are sometimes stuck up. Girls are girls and no matter their skin color, if they want to be stuck up they will be.
Anything that gets stuck together by pressure is compaction. I.E., Snow.
because everything will be stuck together . and it would be hard to grab a material if they were stuck together.
The jelly bean bull is stuck together with icing sugar not glue!!!
the males who who is stuck in the girl who ha
Dogs are typically stuck together during mating for about 5 to 30 minutes.
Dogs can stay stuck together during mating for about 5 to 30 minutes.
Rocks can be naturally stuck together by a couple of different things, including volcanos. Stone that consists of "stuck together" rocks is called conglomerate.
When all the continents are stuck together, it is called a supercontinent. The most recent supercontinent is known as Pangaea.