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Because galaxies don't expand. The universe expands. Think of galaxies as little spots on a balloon. When you blow it up the surface gets larger not the little spots, but the spots do get further apart. Gravity creates the extreme flatness that you observe. Moments after the big bang the initial structure of the universe was set, that applies to the size of the galaxies as well. The only observable difference is the galaxies were a lot closer to each other in the beginning. Gravity then took over and started effecting the closest galaxies by pulling them closer together. The galaxies face a battle between the expanding universe and the gravity of other galaxies.

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Q: Why do galaxies expand primarily on one plane as oppposed to all planes ie a plate instead of a sphere?
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Why do galaxies expand?

They don't expand. There just leftover from the explosion of the universe.

Does Every Galaxy Merge Eventually?

The answer to this is we do not know but it looks unlikely.The expansion of the universe appears to be speeding up. Local Galaxies might merge into larger galaxies but these galaxies will expand faster and faster away from each other.

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Why does water expand instead of increaing?

due to hydrogen bond

What do you call the universe that will continue to expand and galaxies will to move outward and rush away from each other?

It's just called the expanding universe.

What are theories of galaxy?

Some key theories about galaxies include the hierarchical model, which suggests they form through mergers of smaller galaxies; the cold dark matter model, which posits that dark matter plays a significant role in galaxy formation; and the disk instability theory, proposing that galactic disks can spawn new stars through gravitational instabilities.

Is the galaxy of Orion getting wider?

The Orion galaxy is not getting wider. Galaxies are huge collections of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravity and don't expand in the same way the universe does. The distance between galaxies is increasing due to the expansion of the universe, but individual galaxies like Orion remain the same size.

What whould happend if uneverse expand faster than speed of light?

the far away galaxies may be moving faster than the speed of light already. In general relativity theory, expansion of space is not limited to the speed of light as it is in special relativity

How can the proposed expansion of space itself account for distance or velocity of galaxies wouldn't space expand in every dimension leaving proportions the same?

yes, but they don't know that space actually expands though it probably does.

How is the Big Bang theory supported by the observed Doppler shift of galaxies?

The Doppler shift of galaxies is evidence for the expansion of the universe, which is a key component of the Big Bang theory. The redshift of galaxies indicates that the universe is expanding, suggesting it was denser and hotter in the past, supporting the idea of a hot, dense early universe that later expanded.

What does it mean to expand each term?

it means that instead of having (2x-3)2 you write 4x2-12x+9