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It's not just girls...

It's all to do with refraction, when light rays "bend" as they travel out of one substance and into another, e.g. going from water into air.

Your eyes see the bent light, and your brain calculates (wrongly) that the light has actually come from somewhere else than it really has (because it does not know that the light was bent and cannot compensate for it).

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Q: Why do girl's legs appear shorter in the water?
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Why do the girls legs appear shorter in the water?

because they are fat and skinny

Why do a persons legs appear shorter in water?

When a person is in water, refraction of light occurs due to the different density of air and water. This creates an optical illusion that makes the legs appear shorter than they actually are.

Why your legs appear shorter in the surface of the water?

Because the water particles will bend the light. I think :)

Why do legs look shorter when you are standing in water?

When you stand in water, the light passing from air to water changes direction due to refraction, making objects appear closer and larger than they actually are. This magnification effect makes the lower part of your legs underwater appear shorter than they really are, creating the illusion that your legs are shorter than when they are out of the water.

Why do legs appear shorter in the water?

Refraction. The interface of water and air bends the light, which gives you a different perspective.

Do guys like longer or shorter legs for girls?

I'm a guy and I do not have a preference to longer or shorter legs because I like them medium length. But if you need a preference I would say most guys like longer legs.

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They are. Water buffalo are heavier with shorter legs.

Why girls legs are sexeir then boys?

Guys are attracted to the legs more than likely because it is the part of the body that attaches to the butt. They are curvey and usually smooth. Girls wear shorter shorts and reveal more so guys are more accustomed to seeing legs than girls who at most see guys legs up to the knee. Not to mention they do not shave their legs.

Why do fish move?

because hms girls opened their legs in the water

Why does person's legs appear shorter under the swimming pool?

Due to refraction. :p It makes you perceive that the persons legs are shorter. To think this is all to do with the simple distortion of mediums :)Sources: My year 8 science class.

When you do cartwheels will your legs get shorter?


Who runs faster girls with short legs or girls with long legs?

depends, but usually girls with long legs but they have to be fit as well