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This is because theyare unattractive or the partner is unattractive so it conseals the face.

A "two bagger" is when each one of you wears a bag... in case one falls off.

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Q: Why do girls put bags over their heads?
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What do you put in a goody bags for tweens?

girls: jewellry or make up ! boys: dunno

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The word girls is a common plural noun.The girls went shopping.If girls owns something, it needs an apostrophe.The girls' bags were stolen.

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You can put them over your head and die :P

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they do this to reduce puffiness

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Are plastic bags a health hazard?

yes plastic bags are a health hazard. this is beause people can suffocate, this is becasue if a young child gets a hold of the bag they can put it over their heads and then they can have it wrapped around their head and neck and lose oxygen. it is also a health hazard becasue it can pollute the earth since it takes a long time to degarte because it is not biodegradable.

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You can put Air in Air Shocks Not Air Bags

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a typical dance where women put a bottle over their heads while they are dancing

Why do people wear bags?

people wear bags because they will need it to put their thgings in and put keys or phones in there bags so thats why people wear bags