

Why do isotherms not run parallel?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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11y ago

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Because the unequal distribution of land and water and ocean currents influence their direction.

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Q: Why do isotherms not run parallel?
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Why are isotherms generally parallel across the US?

Isotherms connect points of equal temperature on a weather map. The lines of isotherms naturally run parallel to each other. Their spacing indicates temperature variance.

What is the similarities between isobars and isotherms?

what is the similaraties between isobars and isotherms ]

How are isobars and isotherms alike?

Isobars and isotherms are both lines on a weather map that connect points of equal value. Isobars connect points of equal atmospheric pressure, while isotherms connect points of equal temperature. Both are used to analyze and understand weather patterns and conditions.

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Why do isotherms run in an east-west direction?

Isotherms run in an east-west direction because temperature variations are more likely to be influenced by differences in longitude (east-west) rather than latitude (north-south). The rotation of the Earth creates variations in temperature patterns from east to west due to the distribution of sunlight and the angle of incidence.

What are lines that run parallel from the equator called?

There are no parallel lines that run FROM the equator. Lines that are parallel TO the equator are the latitudes.

What region of the world does isotherms run straight across the map from east to west?

Isotherms that run straight across the map from east to west are typically found in the tropical regions near the equator. This is because the temperature in these regions is relatively consistent throughout the year due to the amount of sunlight they receive.

What is a person that studies isotherms?

Isotherms are contour lines on maps that connect points on a weather map that have equal temperatures at a given time. Meteorologist study isotherms on weather maps.

What are lines that are parallel and run?

parallel lines. they run side by side but never intersect

Do the longitudinal lines run parallel to the Equator?

No, the longitudinal lines run perpendicular to the Equator, from the North Pole to the South Pole. They converge at the poles and are farthest apart at the Equator.

As the temperature difference between two points increases what happens to the spacing of the isotherms?

The isotherms get closer together

Compare and contrast isobars and isotherms?

Isobars are lines that eqaul pressure isotherms are line that equal tempature