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Q: Why do leopard's have their eyes in the front of their face and why not in the sides?
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Why are the eyes of a lion shown on the front of the face instead of the sides?

Why eyes of a lion shown on the front of its face instead of the sides well it depends how god creates the animal's cause if the eyes of a lion are on the sides it will look like a monster,weird or crazy cause well it would be don't you think (i mean think about it when you figure it out then yea.)

Do the eyes of prey face forward?

In general, the eyes of a predator face forward and the eyes of prey face more to the sides.

Do owls eyes face to the sides forwards?

Owls' eyes face forwards, at least in most known species.

Are the man eyes are on the side of the face?

If you consider the 'front' to be a side then yes.

Where are the eyes located in the human?

In the upper half of the face, at the front of the head.

How does the placement of their eyes help cats and squirrels survive?

If the eyes face forward, this means a predator. If they are on the sides of the head, this means prey.

When a player hits the ball with the front of the racket it is called the what?

There are two sides to the stringing pattern within the head of a tennis racket. The side of the stringing pattern which is used to strike the tennis ball is called the racket face. An easy way to remember this is to think of the racket "face" as having eyes. Eyes are a normal part of a face. The eyes of the racket face must see the approaching tennis ball, just prior to string-to-ball contact. I always use a black permanent marker pen to draw a face with eyes, nose, and a mouth on my teaching tennis racket.

An adaptation in which the eyes face forward?

Eyes front IS an adaptation. Better eyesight for hunters. Prey often have eyes side and that gives them better defense.

Do dogs and horses have eyes in front of their face?

Dogs and horses have eyes on the sides of their face, not in front like predators. This positioning allows them to have a wider field of vision to detect potential threats and predators from multiple angles.

How many species of leopards?

dick face

What are leopards adaptations to survive?

They need their coat and your face

Why is it when you close your separate eyes the things in front of you shift?

because your eyes are in different positions on your face and that means they each see thingsfrom a different perspective