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Because its meant to not melt in your hands. The outside covering protects the chocolate inside.

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Q: Why do m and m's have hard shells?
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Do hard candy shells of M and Ms melt?

Yes, the hard candy shell of M&M's can melt if exposed to high temperatures. The shell is made from ingredients like sugar and food coloring that can liquefy when heated, causing the shell to lose its shape and become sticky.

What are M and M shells made of?

it's made of a certain amont of bug shells and hard plastic

Why are ghetto kids like m and ms?

Because both M&Ms and ghetto kids are mixed colors, and are hard on the outside.

What is the shell of the m m made of?

it's made of a certain amont of bug shells and hard plastic

What is the purpose of the hard shell coating on M and ms?

The candy shell allows the m&ms to be held in the hand or carried in a pocket without the chocolate melting and causing a mess.

What are m and m's made of?

M and M's are made from milk chocolate and sugar.

What dissolves faster m and ms or skittles?

M&Ms typically dissolve faster than Skittles because Skittles have a hard candy shell that takes longer to break down in liquid. M&Ms have a thinner shell that dissolves more quickly.

Why were M and M's created?

All i know is that m&m stands for mars and mars, m&ms were meant to be space food

How is the electric conductivity down a group?

Electric conductivity generally decreases down a group in the periodic table. This is because as you go down a group, atoms tend to have more electron shells, which results in weaker metallic bonding and less mobility of electrons that carry electric charge. Additionally, the increasing atomic size down a group leads to a decrease in the number of effective electron jumps and slower movement of electrons, which hinders conductivity.

What is Princeton from mindless behavior's favorite candy?


What do you call a M and M when there's one left?

"One M&M" or "an M&M.". The actual name is M&M not "M and M".That's why the correct way to describe a bunch is "a bag of M&Ms" or "a bowl of M&Ms" or "a handful of M&Ms". M&M is singular. M&Ms is plural.

What m and ms does the blue represent?

Almond M&Ms