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"So, why do people believe weird things? "More than any other, the reason people believe weird things," says Shermer, "is because they want to. . . .It feels good. It is comforting. It is consoling." Secondly, weird beliefs offer "immediate gratification." People like weird beliefs because they are simple. Weird beliefs also satisfy the quest for significance: they satisfy our moral needs and our desire that life be meaningful. Finally, he says, people believe weird things because weird things give them hope."


Sorry you think The Bible, the Word of God is foolish and weird. Circa 100 prophesier that were foretold have come true and there is not one that is written that has yet failed to come true.

Please don't think the Bible is foolish, not believing is a sure way to go to Hell


Because God has opened the minds and hearts of those "many people" to know and understand the Truth of God's Word ["...thy Word IS TRUTH." - John 17:17].

They know and understand that: "...With [carnal minded] men [most of whose spirits are asleep to God's Truth; the Word of God is nonsense, filled with things that are] ... IMPOSSIBLE; but with God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE..." (Matt.19:26).

And because these "many people" have been made aware of the endless "possibilities" due to the Truth of God's Word... they also know that in this deceived world, they are also thought of by this world as being "UTTER FOOLS!" That the Truth of God is regarded as "FOOLISHNESS."

"I know very well how foolish the Message of the cross sounds to those who are on the road to destruction. But we who are being saved recognize this Message as THE VERY POWER OF GOD. As the Scriptures say, 'I will destroy human wisdom and discard their most brilliant ideas.' So where does this leave the philosophers, the scholars, and the world's brilliant debaters? GOD HAS MADE THEM ALL LOOK FOOLISH and has SHOWN THEIR WISDOM TO BE FOOLISH NONSENSE. Since God IN HIS WISDOM saw to it THAT THE WORLD WOULD NEVER FIND HIM THROUGH HUMAN WISDOM, He has USED OUR FOOLISH PREACHING to save ALL WHO BELIEVE." (I Cor.1:18-21 NLT New Living Translation)

That's why "many people" BELIEVE the so-called FOOLISHNESS of the Bible. Their hearts and minds aren't truncated by shallow human pride, vanity, and hostility to God's Word. Their repentant hearts and minds have been humbled and opened by God to the limitless possibilities of Eternity.

"...'I will bless those who have humble and contrite hearts, WHO TREMBLE AT MY WORD." (Isa.66:2 NLT)

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Q: Why do many people believe in all the many impossible and foolish tales of the Bible?
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