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no the can do that stuff on their own 4real o and if u need me on aq im the best im djriddy

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Q: Why do math teachers need computers?
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Related questions

Where do they need math teachers?

They need math teachers in all schools around the world.

What math skills do history teachers need?

Well, he need to know a high school level math to get a degree on teaching

What do you need to study to become a math teacher?

The best is to have a college degree and be a math major. Many math teachers do not have degrees in math, however, my personal opinion is that formal math education is a big plus (pun intended) for math teachers. Some math teachers have computer science backgrounds. In many cases, teachers who want to teach math without a math degree need to pass a test to do so. So if you want to be a math teacher, go to college and major in math! Then you also have to get a teaching credential. Some schools have combined math bs and teaching programs.

Why do you do the same math work everyday?

The teachers think that you need more practice.

How does math connect with computers?

Math connect to computers by... Games like math games, math websites, the computers caculator's etc.

Do you need advanced maths to become a pilot?

yes you need advanced math but now, most aircrafts have computers that do the math for you but you still need to know the basics

Do you capitalize title math teacher?

No it shouldn't be capitalized.

What do math teachers eat?

math teachers eat normal food just like we do!

How do math teachers use the periodic table?

Is the periodic table used for Math teachers?

What is the international career outlook for teaching?

There will always be a need for teachers but there is a greater need for math, science, and bilingual education.

What courses are needed to become a math teacher?

To become a math teacher you need to complete a bachelor degree program, and be licensed by their state. Private school math teachers need a Bachelors degree but do not have to be licensed..

Do all teachers use math?

I think they do. Most of the teachers I have use math. Almost everyone (including me!) uses math.