Because, Their pooply container (otherwise known as poop storage) is in an oval shape, so
Frog poop generally has a different appearance than mouse poop. Frog poop is typically tubular in shape and can vary in color depending on the frog's diet, while mouse poop is typically smaller and pellet-shaped.
Dog poop is generally larger, softer, and tends to be more uniform in shape and texture. Cat poop is smaller, more firm, and can vary in shape and consistency based on the cat's diet and health. Cat poop also typically has a stronger odor compared to dog poop.
poop? just like us
why the hell are you smelling your poop
Buzzard Poop looks like smashed poop that is all over the place.=When you fart its the poop buzzard. It smells bad too.=
poop(English)- GloriaAnswerYou can say poop in English like poop (poop). The term originates in Poop Land, the land of the people who worship the Poop God, the god who brings poop to the poop race after they eat. The color of the Poop People's skin was that of dark chocolate, so the poop god praised the people by giving them dark brown poop. If the people disobeyed, the Poop God would give them discolored poop (red, green, blue, yellow, ect, ect.) Answeryou say it like "poop" Answeryou say it like "poop"
If you are eating a balanced diet, it should be in the shape of a cylinder with one conic end, not spherical.
It looks like a nightmare just like you
it is food that comes out in a completely different color and shape/droppings
You can eat poop like how baby elephants eat their mother's poop because it is very nutritious, but in my opinion, poop is not very tasty.
Frog or toad poop is typically small and brown or black in color, similar to bird droppings. It may vary in shape depending on what the animal has been eating, but it is generally cylindrical or elongated.