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Q: Why do most explorers and rsquo routes seem to wander instead of traveling in straight lines?
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How long does it take to get to Venus traveling in a car at 60 miles per hour?

The straight line distance from the Earth to Venus depends on their positions in their orbits. In terms of miles, Venus is 26 million miles away from the earth at its nearest, and 162 million miles at its furthest. Along these lines it would take between 49 and 308 years. Interplanetary journeys are not undertaken along such straight-line routes. Instead they follow a trajectory that is longer but requires less fuel through using the moon as a slingshot.

What map projections show all Great Circle routes as straight lines?

The gnomonic map projection maps into straight lines all Great Circles, even those not passing through the central point, but can present even less than one hemisphere (unless the map were of infinite size with corresponding distortions, which is obviously not possible).

What is place where two routes meet?

A corner.

What three places did the triangular routes connect?

africa ,asia 13 colonies

If you were traveling 100 miles per hour how long would it take to get to Australia from LA?

Australia is a big place ... at 100 miles per hour, Australia just by itself is almost 25 hours across. Starting from Los Angeles International Airport and traveling the shortest, most direct, great circle routes, it would take you -- 71.6 hours to Bamaga -- 71.8 hours to Brisbane -- 72 hours to Cairns -- 75 hours to Sydney -- 76.5 hours to Canberra -- 78.8 hours to Darwin -- 79.3 hours to Melbourne -- 79.6 hours to Hobart -- 81 hours to Alice Springs -- 81.7 hours to Adelaide -- 93.3 hours to Perth -- 94.1 hours to Augusta

Related questions

Why did most explorers routes seem to wander instead of traveling in straight lines?

Explorers' routes often wandered due to natural barriers like mountains, rivers, and forests that posed obstacles to direct travel. Additionally, explorers needed to navigate based on landmarks, geographical features, and available resources, which influenced the path they took. Cultural factors, such as following traditional routes or seeking interactions with local communities, also contributed to the wandering nature of exploration routes.

Describe the routes taken by explorers for Portugal during the 1400s and early 1500s?

the routes taken by explorers for Portugal during the 1400s and early 1500s was the cape of good hope

What was the economic impact of magellan's journey?

he opened trade routes for explorers.

European explorers began to sail the world looking for routes to what continent?


The true explorers of the Western mountains who opened new routes for settlers were the?

mountain men

The earliest explorers came to the new world in search of?

In search of shorter trade routes

The true explorers of the Western mountains who opened new routes for settlers were the .?

mountain men

Why do you think explorers from different countries followed similar routes?

Explorers often followed similar routes because they were guided by existing maps, knowledge, and trade routes. Additionally, they sought to reach common goals such as finding new trade routes, discovering new territories, and claiming resources. Cultural and political influences also played a role in shaping their exploration paths.

What explorers hunted for the route to china?

Explorers such as Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama, Ferdinand Magellan, and Marco Polo sought the route to China. They were driven by the desire to establish trade routes and find new territories for their respective countries. These explorers played significant roles in opening up the sea routes to East Asia.

Why did the Europeans explorers need to search for new trade routes?

European explorers searched for new trade routes to bypass the Ottoman Empire's control over existing land trade routes, to access valuable goods like spices and silk directly from Asia, and to find new sources of wealth and power. Additionally, they were motivated by competition among European nations to establish colonies and control trade routes.

The routes of which two explorers began from present day Cuba?

Ponce De Leon and De Soto

Why were explorers look for routes to Asia?

Explorers were looking for new routes to Asia to establish trade connections, acquire valuable goods like spices and silk, and potentially gain wealth and power for their home countries. Opening up direct trade routes to Asia would also help bypass the costly middlemen that controlled existing trade networks.