

Best Answer

Back then all people knew where roman numerals. So they used it as numbers to date when the movie will come out, are for something else. Today we use 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10,etc...........That's why it's impotant to know your roman numerals. I know all of mines.

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Q: Why do most films give the date they were first released in roman numerals?
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Suggest a reason why most films give the date they were first released in roman numerals?

To disguise the fact the year that the film was actually released.

Suggest a reason why films give the date they were first released in roman numerals?

To disguise the fact when the film was actually released because most people don't understand Roman numerals and don't like watching repeats.

Why do Films have the date they were released in roman Numerals?

Most people don't understand Roman numerals so movie makers use these numerals to disguise the fact when the movie was actually released. +++ How do you "know" without asking them, that "most" people don't understand Roman numerals (they can always find out!), and why should film-makers want to disguise release dates? Roman numerals have always been common in publishing generally.

What places still use roman numerals?

they use roman numerals in films to show you when it was made but i dont know about any countries that use it

What is this M in Roman numerals?

M is the Roman Numeral for 1000. On this year's films videos and TV programmes the copyright year is usually expressed in Roman Numerals and is MMX, being 2010.

Write the first 50 Roman numerals?


Why are movie's first release dates in roman numerals?

Movie's first release dates are sometimes written in roman numerals for stylistic or traditional reasons. Using roman numerals adds a sense of elegance and timelessness to the film's release information. It can also be seen as a nod to the classic and prestigious nature of cinema.

Who dicovered Roman Numerals?

The idea of Roman numerals was first conceived by the Etruscans who once ruled the Romans

Who invented Rome numerals?

It was the Etruscans who first created Roman numerals.

What are the first 7 roman numerals?

The first seven Roman numerals are I, V, X, L, C, D, M The first seven numbers as written using Roman numerals are I,II,III,IV,V,VI,VII

What year were Roman Numerals first used?

it was used when the Romans were still around that's why its called Roman Numerals

Where was Arabic first used?

in roman numerals