It probably depend on if it is a criminal sentence, or one of aliterary nature.
They both: - have variables, - are open sentences, - consist of two expressions joined by a "verb" (equals or inequality sign), - have solution sets (which may be empty or have one or more elements).
an open sentence.
It is called an open sentence.
open sentence
A open sentence is an equation with one or more variables is an open sentence.
They both: - have variables, - are open sentences, - consist of two expressions joined by a "verb" (equals or inequality sign), - have solution sets (which may be empty or have one or more elements).
An open sentence (usually an equation or inequality) is described as "open" in the sense that its truth value is meaningless until its variables are replaced with specific numbers, at which point the truth value can usually be determined (and hence the sentences are no longer regarded as "open"). How this differs from the far more conventional 'satisfied' or 'unsatisfied', is beyond the coign of vantage of this algebraist.
Open the door.
Open Sentence
an open sentence.
All books have words in sentences. Just open the book and start reading.
an open sentence is defined as one that contains "free variables," which are variable that have not been assigned a specific meaning. Because of this open sentences cannot be labeled as true or false, their status is "open. Any number that makes the open sentence true satisfies it. In general we would call these the solutions or solution set. I must state that there are many definitions in many books that all give slightly different answers to what an open sentence is.
It is called an open sentence.
open sentence
A open sentence is an equation with one or more variables is an open sentence.
Cplex is not open source. There are some open source alternatives, but if you aresolving huge optimization models (ie more than 100k variables) you will probably find that many of the open-source libraries do not function well with that many variables. CPLEX may be your best choice.