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Q: Why do our houses have meter boxes?
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What were the houses like in famine times?

they had no houses they lived in boxes

What are the kayapo tribes houses called?

they are called boxes

What is meter cube for 3 boxes measuring 51x32x38 and 5 boxes measuring 37x38x60 how many meters cube for the 8 boxes?


Where can one obtain boxes for moving houses?

There are many places where one can obtain boxes for moving houses. The easiest places to obtain boxes for moving is at local stores such as U-Haul. They often sell boxes for cheap prices.

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What are the houses in western central Europe made of?

they are made of cardboard boxes

What kind of house did the Indians have?

Houses build whit adobe and like boxes

What do alligators don't eat?

Stuff that don't move like boxes or houses

What is the type of energy meter we used in our houses?

Probably a regular energy meter that is meant for you to use in your house.

Where is the gear oil meter of a lancer 89 model?

There are usually no lights or meter for gear oil. In old automatic gear boxes you have a dip stick to check the oil levels. New automatic gear boxes can be a sealed unit, and manual gear boxes you have to open the drain plug, and replace the oil.

What kind of house did the hopi Indians have?

Houses build whit adobe and like boxes

Will you find energy meter in domestic house?

In most houses you would.