

Best Answer

Because they have simply nothing in their brains.

Ex. of a dumb question: How do you write ten hundred thousand in word form?

Answer: Ten hundred thousand.

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Q: Why do people ask the dumbiest questions?
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What is the most dumbiest movie ever?

Despicable Me

How do you get more questions on formspring?

Ask people to ask you more questions, or find one of those formspring people who do spam (ask many questions at once).

Why do people ask lame questions?

people ask lame questions because their bored and have nothing to do. so they think of lame questions to bother people. i know because my class acts like that. also because people run out of questions to ask so they sometimes ask not so smart questions

How do people ask you questions on Tumblr if i use nighnight theme?

People can ask you questions by going to 'your tumblr url'/ask. For example, ''. If that page is blank you will need to go into your blog settings and choose 'allow followers to ask questions'. This will allow people to ask you questions on your tumblr blog.

Who taught people to ask questions?

I don't know that people needed to be taught to ask questions. I think it comes to them naturally.

What kinds of questions do people ask?

All sorts of questions.

Why do people ask rhetorical questions?

People ask rhetorical questions to make a point or emphasize a statement without expecting a direct answer.

What Is exactly?

It's a website where people ask questions and other people answer the questions

Why do you ask people to answer questions when they ask you?

Because they think it is a riddle.

Can you ask long questions in

You can ask long questions to an extent, the amount of characters the system allows is an limit, however, people can ask long questions.

Can you ask questions about people from school?

No, not really. At least not questions that refer to a specific person. You can ask general questions about school children.

What are the most common questions people ask about singing?

the most common questions people ask about singing are: which song is the best? did you like that song?