It is to celebrate the day of your birth. and the reason why peoples 18th birthday is so important is because they are growing into an adult.
Prob(two sets of matched birthdays) = 1 - [Prob(No matched birthdays)] + [Prob(One set of matched birthdays)] = 0.63
One! Why do people write such silly questions?
No. You're only born 1 day, and can only have 1 birthday. Of course you can celebrate it on another day, and then call it 2 birthdays, but you can only have one real :)
Because there is billions of people, and only 365 days for their birthdays to be spread over.
Because back then, the Koreans used a different calendar, which went by the moon instead of the one that goes by the sun.
Millions around the world.
obviosly, they celebrate birthdays but they do it with a lot of alchocol!
They don't. They only celebrate 15th birthdays, which is a quinceanera.
Only those people with birthdays.
Prob(two sets of matched birthdays) = 1 - [Prob(No matched birthdays)] + [Prob(One set of matched birthdays)] = 0.63
William Shakespeare.
they dont
Most people who had birthdays on February 9,2003 probably celebrated them in some way.
The average European people have up to 70-80 birthdays!!!!
like other people