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Q: Why do people put pennies in door ways?
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What are some good ways to sell chocolate bars?

put a good wrapper on itSoundbooth: LOL that isn't really what I meant. I mean good ways to GET people to buy them. Kinda like going door to door but more advanced.

Why do people put pennies on Benjamin Franklin's grave?

Because it means good luck or lucky

Why do people put a penny under carpets?

Pennies under the carpet are for good luck when moving into a new home, you would put pennies heads up so you could be blessed with luck in your new home.

Why did people put air ways and passage ways in pyramids?

For air conditioning

Why did people put holes in Indian head pennies?

mainly for jewelry. sometimes they did it so they didn't lose the coin.

What kind of blood did Jewish people put on their door for passover?

They put lamb's blood on their doors.

Why put pennies in penny loafers?

For good luck! And you would never broke if you had pennies in your shoes

How can you make 2 rows of 4 out of 6 pennies?

Make an X with 5 pennies. Put hte 6th pennies on top of the center penny.

How many pennies can you put into an empty 1 gal bottle?

it usally rounds up two 1,500 pennies

What do french people at Christmas do?

They put there shoe ouside by there door . So there parents put chocolate , a little toy,or something eles. And in the morning they wake up and get them from there door and open there shoe

What do French people do on Christmas?

They put there shoe outside by there door .So there parents put chocolate ,a little toy or something eles.And in the morning they wake up and get them from there door and open there shoe .

Did people in the olden times engrave pictures on English Pennies?

The first English Pennies were produced around 780 AD and were made from gold. The Canterbury Mint where the coins were minted, often put writing and runes or designs on the coins. A little while later, they began to put images of the King on the coins.