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because the number zero and the letter o look alike and its shorter saying o than zero

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Q: Why do people say o instead of zero?
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How do say 005?

It could be O O five or zero zero five, which is more correct, though people often say O when it is actually a zero.

How do you say 005?

You can say, "five one-hundredths," or "five hundredths." You can also say "zero point zero five."

Why do some people pronounce the number 0 (zero) oh (O) as on the alphabet example 233030 is pronounced two three three oh three oh instead of the zero they say oh is it formal?

Using "oh" instead of "zero" when pronouncing numbers like 0 can be informal or a matter of personal preference. It can help to differentiate the number from the letter "O" in spoken communication or simply be a habit individuals develop. In more formal contexts, it is generally recommended to pronounce 0 as "zero" to avoid ambiguity.

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o.1, because if you say this number, you say it, zero and one tenth, and you say o.oo1, zero and one thousandths, and in decimals, the number that sounds bigger is always smaller

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An O with a slash through it is typically a zero when used to represent a numerical value. It is meant to differentiate it from the letter "O" and indicate that it is a numeric zero.

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To say "where are you" in Hawaiian, you can say "Aia ʻoe i hea?"

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puedo ser tu amante o tu amigo (use 'a' instead of o at end if you are female)

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O:) and its an o not a zero

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In Brazilian Portuguese, you can say "não" to say no.

What is the Japanese symbol for 0?

is that the letter o, or a zero? anyhow, to say "zero" it would actually be two symbols ゼロ it's spelt like zero, but sounds more like "zay-ro" rather than "z-ro" if you mean the letter o, then in hiragana it would be お and in katakana it would be オ

What is the difference between zero nought and o?

Zero (0) is a number and o is a letter and the way to tell the difference is the zero is bigger than the o and is shaped like a oval, the o is smaller and shaped more like a circle. I hope it helped! =]

Why does the tamagotchi town say 405 not found on version 4.5?

probaly its the letter o instead of the number 0