they use it to shorten the word AT. @=at
edit by Superflipper
@ = not an ampersand.
& = ampersand.
they use double ampersand (&&) to be trendy or honestly don't know that you're only supposed to use one. It was a ridiculous movement that started on myspace. Pronounce it as "and and".
The ampersand is number seven on a standard keyboard.
It's called the Ampersand. See the related link for more information.
This sign, "&," is known as an ampersand.
If you mean the symbol &, it is called an ampersand.
Ampersand is use for Title, and Fragments .
The ampersand is number seven on a standard keyboard.
It is proper to use an ampersand in French. Use it with the same usage rules that you would use in English.
It is the full name for the text symbol "&" meaning "and" or "in addition to." You can use the ampersand by holding down the SHIFT and 7 keys, which will display the ampersand.
your finger
You cannot use an ampersand ('&') in a URL as this is an HTML control character. A URL can only consist of the letters A-Z, 1-0 and hyphen (-).
Ampersand Communications's motto is 'with Ampersand you always get more'.
No, because the ampersand is not to be used in place of and. The basic rule for the ampersand is Don't use it, except in brands and trade names only, like Smith&Wesson or AT&T. Use and.
this is and ampersand......&
Ampersand is the known name for the '&' sign.
The ampersand is number seven on a standard keyboard.
Ampersand Communications was created in 2001.