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Q: Why do some cases have more than one citation?
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The rubber (silicon) cases are more durable than the leather because it is very good at absorbing shock .

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Not all women are more beautiful than men, in some cases men could beeautiful too.

Can some people can survive from tornado?

Yes. In fact in most cases more people survive than are killed.

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Some people assess future risk more than others. In many cases it is also a part of education and upbringing.

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Yes. Some tornadoes may last for more than an hour, but such cases are rare. Most tornadoes do not last more than 10 minutes.

What is the abbreviation used for more than one author when citation?

The standard abbreviation for multiple authors in a citation is "et al." which is short for the Latin term "et alii" meaning "and others."

Is a unique mode the same thing as a mode?

No. Some distributions and some sets of observations can have more than one modes. In such cases there is no unique mode.

How many votes do you have to have to be elected?

This varies. In some cases where there are several contestants the person with the most votes wins even if it is just one vote more than the others and less than half the total votes. In some cases where there are only two politician's, the one with more than 50% of the votes wins. In some cases The votes are counted, the lowest number is eliminated and then there is another vote until either 1 has more than %50 or there are two in the last vote. And finally in some strange places no one is elected unless they get certain minimum number of votes or certain percentage. In some cases it would be a minimum of 65% to make certain the population actually wants that person.