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Q: Why do some months have 31 days?
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Why do some months have 28 days and some have 31?

ALL months have 28 days! Should have said "Why does February have 28 days and some have 31?".

How come some months have thirty one days and some thirty?

Seven months have 31 days while the remaining five have 30.

3 months equals how many days?

Depends on which 3 months you mean, some months have 30 days and some have 31, February has 28. So about 90.

How many days in may?

It 31 days in this months

Some months have 30-31 days which one has 28?


Some months have 31 days and some have 30 days how many have 29 days?

11 months have 29 days..........Only feb has 29 days in the leap year otherwise it has 28 days.

What is the difference between the total number of days in the months that have 31 days and the total number of days in the months that do not have 31 days in leap years?

In a leap year, there are 186 days in the 31 day months and 180 days in the other months, so that is a difference of 6 days.

How many months don't have 31 days?

5 months don't have 31 days, 7 months do. February has 28, or 29 in leap years. April, June, September, and November have 30 days.

How many days are in nine months?

The average days in 9 months is 274 days. The exact answer to this question depends on the months in question, because some of the months may have 30 or 31 days or 28, or 29 days.

Why some month are of 30 days and some are 31?

Some months have 30 days while others have 31 days because of the varying lengths of time it takes the earth to orbit the sun.

What is the order of the months that have 31 days?

In the order they appear through the year, the months that have 31 days are:JanuaryMarchMayJulyAugustOctoberDecember

How many days are there in July?

31 Days. The first 5 odd months, and the last 3 even months, have 31 days.