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because there are different learning curriculum's

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Q: Why do some schools use the letter grade e instead of f?
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If my grade says 667 out of 735 what letter grade do i have?

About 91% which is usually an A-, some schools call it a B+.

What is a 79 on a letter grade?

The letter grade assigned to 79 depends on how well the students did who took the test. Some schools and teachers have fixed scales which they will tell you. In grade school. 79 is usually a C .

Why is homework marked as a grade in some schools?

It should be - if you work hard on something, you deserve a grade for it!

What letter grade is a 3.82 GPA?

Its in between an A- and an A. An A- is 3.667 and an A is 4.0

What grade do you have to get to get into robotics?

it depends on the school some schools let you get in at an earlier grade im in robotics and im in 5th grade if that helps

What letter grade is a 3.75 GPA equal?

A- The above answer can be correct, however there are some colleges and universities that do not grade on a minus system. Thus, for some schools it could be a grade of B+. In any event, it is a great GPA!

What letter grade is an 86.67 percent?

A 90% represents the letter grade A-. The following chart is a good indicator of percentages to letter grades, but keep in mind that schools may have different guidelines. A+ = 97 and up (Some schools do not recognize an A+ letter grade) A = 93-96 A- = 90- 92 B+ = 87-89 B = 83-86 B- = 80-82 C+ = 77-79 C = 73-76 C- = 70-72 D = 69-60 F= below 60

Do all schools in fourth grade do mission projects?

Not all schools require mission projects in fourth grade. It varies by school and state standards. Some schools may incorporate mission projects as part of their curriculum, while others may not.

Are schools getting rid of D's?

Some schools have chosen to eliminate the D grade from their grading scale. Instead of receiving a D, students may now be graded as either passing or failing. This change is intended to provide clearer feedback on student performance.

What grades are offered in elementary schools?

Depending on the state and school, elementary schools will vary in grades. Some elementary schools run from kindergarten all the way to 8th grade. Others will run from kindergarten to 5th grade, making 6th to 8th grade a middle school.

What is grade 7?

Grade 7 is considered to be a junior mhigh school grade. You are not yet in high school yet but you are one grade away. In some schools grade 6 and 7 are in their own school.

What website do you go to to check your grade in 7th grade?

depends what school do u go to because some schools in nv have parentlinks