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Q: Why do tents hundredths and thousandths go together?
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What is 0.9 in thousandths?

decimal places go .1(tenths) .01(hundredths), and .001(thousandths) and there are 10 thousandths in a hundredth and 10 hundredths in a tenth .9 is 9 tenths which is 90 hundredths or 900 thousandths but normally you would just say "nine tenths"

What is the place value of 0.178?

In the number 0.178, the digit 1 is in the hundredths place, the digit 7 is in the thousandths place, and the digit 8 is in the ten-thousandths place. The place value of 0.178 can be expressed as 1 hundredth + 7 thousandths + 8 ten-thousandths.

How do you write 3.12 in words?

three and six-hundred-twenty-five-thousandths the AND must go in there because the AND acts like a DECIMAL.

Where does the apostrophe go in the tents of the scouts?

There is no apostrophe in that sentence. It would be in: The scouts' tents.

How far does place value go?

Place value does not end, just like numbers. There are ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, and in the opposite direction there are tenths, hundredths, thousandths, etc.

What digit is in the tenths column of 95.1?

the columns go in this order .......|thousands|hundreds|tens|ones|.|tenths|hundredths|thousandths|....... your number is 95.1 |9|5|.|1| 9 is in the ten's column!!

When you go camping do you pay by person or by tents?

The camp sites we use charge so much for the site a night. and if using tents they charge for the site we x many tents allowed usually 3 tents. which include , water , electric, sewer for campers and water and electric for tents a but have showers houses and bathrooms.

What camping tents offer the simplest instructions for setting up?

Most tents are set up in the same manner, usually consisting of connecting rods that are held together with bungee cords, and threading those through holes. I personally like Coleman. The directions are really easy to understand and it helps that the tent's are already really easy to put together anyway. With Coleman you don't have a billion pieces to put together the tent nearly builds itself. The instructions are to the point connect this to this and so on. I've had a few different brands of tents but for ease of use go with a Coleman.

Who makes north ridge tents?

Made by Gelert for Go Outdoors

What is 65. 057. 792?

The answer to that is The six is a whole number before the decimals come in so the six is in the tens the 5 is in the ones and there's a decimal so here we go 0 tenths 5 hundredths 7 thousandths AND AFTER THAT THERE IS NOTHING ELSE!!!!! UNLESS YOU CAN THINK OF MILLIONTHS LOL SO ITS SIXTY FIVE AND 57 THOUSANDTHS THAT'S ALL

What is seven hundred five thousandths in decimal form?

Seven hundred five thousandths in decimal form is 0.705. First, because you know it's in thousandths you know there will be three decimal places (1 for tenths, 2 for hundredths, and 3 for thousandths). So then you simply write out seven hundred five as 705 and add the decimal point in front of it.

Round 3.1415 to the nearest thousandths-place?

1st let's see where each place after the decimal means: .1 = tenth .01 = hundredths .001 = thousandths .001 = ten thousandths Answer: 3.1415 (Lets break it down) 3 = Whole Number ~ .1 = tenth ~ .14 = hundredth ~ .141 = thousandth ~ .1415 = ten thousandth When rounding up, 5-9 will make the number in front of it go up +1. 3.1415 = 3.142 (The 5 rounded the 1 in front of it up to 2 which is in the thousandths position.)