Because the ancient Romans would never have displayed the equivalent of 4 as IV for fear of offending their god Jupiter.
Clocks do not always show the number 4 in this way. However, the stricter rules which modern society applies to the expression of Roman numerals are only a fairly recent change. back when Roman numerals were being etched on Roman buildings, it was not uncommon to see a number such as 400 expressed as CCCC, even though today we would express it as 100 before 500, i.e. CD. See for more about the history and rules of Roman numerals.
The state that has four Roman numerals in its name is Massachusetts.
Four in Roman Numerals is IV.
Four million in Roman numerals is MMMM but with an horizontal bar above each of the four numerals to indicate multiplication by a thousand (4000*1000 = 4000000)
Clocks do not always show the number 4 in this way. However, the stricter rules which modern society applies to the expression of Roman numerals are only a fairly recent change. back when Roman numerals were being etched on Roman buildings, it was not uncommon to see a number such as 400 expressed as CCCC, even though today we would express it as 100 before 500, i.e. CD. See for more about the history and rules of Roman numerals.
The state that has four Roman numerals in its name is Massachusetts.
Four in Roman Numerals is IV.
Four million in Roman numerals is MMMM but with an horizontal bar above each of the four numerals to indicate multiplication by a thousand (4000*1000 = 4000000)
In Roman numerals, V = 5. IV is one before five, that is, four.
3,854 Three thousand, eight hundred and fifty four.
No, MMMM does not equal 2020 in Roman numerals. In Roman numerals, M represents 1000, and repeating it four times would result in 4000. To represent 2020 in Roman numerals, it would be written as MMXX.
One is I in Roman numerals. This is two II, but four is IV, V is five, and six is VI.
In Roman numerals, it means "four."
4 and 5/10 = 4 and 1/2 In Roman numerals: IIIIS or IVS or SV