Just different artistic interpretations.They all signify death , or the contents of a thing may cause death.
Alway's remembered, never forgotten...brother's in arm's
A skull with a "V" on it typically represents the icon or symbol for poison or toxicity. It is commonly seen on labels of hazardous substances or warning signs to indicate that the material is dangerous if consumed or handled improperly.
what you have to consider here is that the helmet may keep your skull from cracking or braking. But while the helmet protects the skull as it is stopped suddenly (when you crash) the brain inside the skull continues to travel at 50mph and crashes against the inside of the skull, and this may kill you.
skull protected brain
Convolutions create a greater surface area within the same size skull
That symbol is usually associated with a pirate flag.
A skull and crossbones represents poison in medicine.
The skull and crossbones means death and most individuals know it and are warned so there is no need to 'fix something that doesn't need fixing.'
There is an EU symbol of "skull and crossbones" for this. This symbol has the difficulty that the Pirate symbol is often used in games and as Sporting Team symbols. The 'Mr Yuk" symbol from the US has some features to recommend it, but as it is copyright and therefore not in public domain, that counts against it.
The hazard symbol for bromine is YOUR MAM
The toxic symbol is a black "skull and crossbones" icon commonly used to indicate that a substance is poisonous or harmful if ingested, inhaled, or otherwise come into contact with. This symbol is typically seen on containers of hazardous chemicals or materials.
The crossbones are the leg bones of the mother. The skull itself is her son who was born from the underworld.
no... i don't thig they did. If they believe in christ then why would they invent something so scary...
No christians should not wear , the skull and crossbones as they are the sign of the pirates. robbers at sea.
A pirate flag, also known as a Jolly Roger, typically consists of a white skull and crossbones symbol on a black background. The skull represents death, while the crossbones symbolize danger or warning. The flag was used by pirates to intimidate their enemies and signify their identity as outlaws of the sea.
The skull and crossbones symbol has been associated with danger and death for centuries. It was commonly used on pirate flags to symbolize harm to enemies. Over time, this association led to the symbol being widely recognized as a warning for poison due to its connection with danger and toxicity.
The Skull and Crossbones, like on the pirate flag. In the U.S., they found that the Skull and Crossbones were not so effective in communicating the danger to children. So a hospital, through a contest, developed Mr. Yuk. See Related Links for image. Studies have shown this symbol is more effective as a deterrent.