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ANSWER:Because. That's why. That's my first choice because my second choice is a little longer. Clouds are collections of water vapor, not water. The difference is similar to when you exhale in the cold air, the humidity in your breath can be seen but it is not water. It can make a mirror fog up but cannot fill a glass with liquid. Theres not enough volume because its just vapor. This vapor, when in a large enough quanty can create clouds in the sky. As the humidity level gets higher, there is more water vapor in the air and this can leave little droplets on your windshield. The more dense the vapor becomes, mist and rain develops. The more vapor contained in a cloud allows less light through making it dark on the bottom into what we call a rain cloud.
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Q: Why do the windows of planes not become wet when the plane flies through clouds?
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They don't 'bump' into them ! Clouds are not solid - so planes simply fly through them !

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How do planes fly through thick clouds?

Thick clouds are really just a light mist, flying through them is similar to driving through thick fog, it doesn't affect the performance of the aircraft in the least. It does however affect the pilots ability to see, and most aircraft are equipped with instrumentation which allows the pilot to maintain control and positional awareness even with all windows blotted out. Aircraft which are not so equipped are forbidden from flying into clouds. Aircraft flying into and through clouds can only do so under more restrictive rules requiring constant contact with air-traffic-control.

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People, planes and weather clouds

Can you fly though a cloud full of water?

Yes, and planes frequently do. Clouds are only made of water droplets which are quite small, and even when it is raining they can be easily passed through. Aircraft do, however, avoid flying through cumulonimbus clouds because they are associated with turbulent air, ice and updrafts.

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They use more fuel above the clouds, dum dum

Why do aeroplanes fly above the clouds?

They don't always fly above the clouds. They fly below, in or above them. Planes have optimum levels that they fly at. Sometimes that may be above the clouds, but not always.

How are planes' contrail lines similar to clouds?

Both are mainly composed of droplets of condensed water.

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Jet planes normally fly in the stratosphere because the air is thinner at higher altitudes, which reduces drag on the aircraft and allows it to operate more efficiently. Additionally, flying at this altitude helps to avoid bad weather conditions and turbulence commonly found in the lower atmosphere.

How many planes in a cube pass through three or more vertexes?

There are 56 such planes.

What were the great planes?

The Great Plains are the stretch of land that runs through the Midwest of the United States. Make sure you spell it plains not planes because planes are the things that fly through the air!

The greatest number of planes that can pass through three collinear points?

You can have an infinite number of planes passing through three collinear points.