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Q: Why do they call it a pair of underwear when it is just one?
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Why is a pair of underwear called a pair if they r only one?

Because they are for 2 legs, hence a pair of legs? I dont know, just a guess.

Does Emily Osment have pink underwear?

All girls have at least one pair of pink underwear. So yeah, probably.

How many times should a boy change his underwear in a day?

one pair per day

What color is Niall Horan underwear?

LMAO us directioners these days(: Im guessing he owns more than one pair of underwear so more than one color, I've seen him in white underwear a lot though.

What do you do when a boy look at your underwear?

Call him a pervert. He's only interested in one thing - getting inside that underwear.

What do you call a plane with one pair of wings?

a monoplane

What is a quadrilatetal with exactly one parallel side?

You can't have just one parallel side. It has to have something to be parallel to. If you are looking for a quadralateral figure with one pair of parallel sides, we call that a trapezoid.

What do you call to a quadrilateral with one pair of opposite side parallel?

It is a trapezoid that has only one pair of opposite parallel lines of different lengths.

How long does it take to get used to wearing thong underwear?

How long CAN you? You can technically wear a pair of underwear for as long as you want to. How long SHOULD you? You should only wear one pair of underwear per DAY. That area should always remain clean, and by keeping the same pair on for multiple days could make you sick or even create an odor. Which, I'm assuming, is not something you'd want.

Why is one underwear called a pair?

ANSWER 1: Because it has two holes in it for two legs, hence a pair. ANSWER 2: According to The Mavens' Word of the Day, pants in the plural form is an Americanism first recorded in 1840. The word is short for pantaloons, a term that originated with a character in Italian commedia dell'arte who wore both stockings and breeches. World Wide Words states that these types of clothing (pants, underwear, shorts, tights -- or the equivalent terms for them) were made in two parts. One part for each leg, then belted in the middle, somewhat like chaps on cowboys. Over time, they ended up as one piece of clothing, but the habit of referring to the old "pair" persisted.

Do you have to have a set of four brushing boots or can you just have one pair?

You can have just one pair one the forelegs for jumping. Use bell boots for cross country or jumpcross though.

Why do people call pants a pair of pants when there is only one pants?

two legs