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Q: Why do they count down to 10 before a rocket lauches?
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How can you make the rocket count down in Pokemon Sapphire?

i think you must catch all the pokemons and then go to the rocket. you can catch jirachi inside the rocket

What are the stages of rocket going into space?

A rocket typically goes through three main stages to reach space: launch, ascent, and orbital insertion. During launch, the rocket lifts off from the ground and accelerates through the atmosphere. In the ascent stage, the rocket continues to gain altitude and velocity until it reaches the desired orbit. Once in orbit, the rocket performs a final burn to achieve a stable trajectory in space.

Why can't you fly a model rocket into a cloud?

Gravity will pull it down before the rocket can reach the height where clouds form.

What are the parachutes for on a rocket?

The parachute of a rocket is used to slow down the rocket when it falls down.

When was The Rocket Breaks Down created?

The Rocket Breaks Down was created in 2003-08.

A guest says he is in a hurry and you already have three tables that sat down before him What do you do?

drop your pants and fire a rocket

An blank counts down the days before Christmas?

An Advent Calendar is used, especially by children, to count down to Christmas.

Which force will slow the rocket down?

The force that will slow the rocket down is typically drag, which is the resistance force that acts opposite to the rocket's direction of motion as it travels through the atmosphere. Drag is caused by air particles colliding with the rocket and creating friction, which reduces the rocket's speed.

What happens if you shoot the rocket down on ascension?

If you are plauing an online multiplayer game, then you are not able to shoot down the rocket. In the game, you have to shoot down the rocket with another rocket launcher and it is part of the missions. you cannot continue without doing so.

What two forces slow rocket down when out of fuel?

inertia and friction are the two forces that slow down a rocket

How space rocket in space can be slowed down?

a rocket can be slowed down by firing trusters in the opposite direction however the slower the rocket moves forward the faster it will fall

What happened during the first water rocket by jean Le-bot?

Jean Le Bot's first water rocket was launched in 1888. It was a pioneering experiment where he used water propulsion to launch a rocket. The rocket successfully reached a height of 12 meters before coming back down. This event laid the foundation for further developments in water rocket technology.