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The mathematical use of p and q for object distance and image distance is due to the simple likeness of p and q. They use p and q to show you how both distances are a like and yet exceedingly different. Some say that it is just the slightest amount of luck that they are a like like this, but those people are stupid because you and i know it is false

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Q: Why do they use p and q for object distance and image distance?
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What is the Magnification equation for concave mirror?

The magnification equation for a concave mirror is given by the formula: M = - (image distance) / (object distance), where M is the magnification, image distance is the distance from the mirror to the image, and object distance is the distance from the mirror to the object. Negative magnification indicates an inverted image.

Why the distance of the mirror image equal with distance of the mirror object?

The distance of the mirror image is equal to the distance of the mirror object because light rays reflecting off the mirror follow the law of reflection, which states that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. This results in a virtual image being created behind the mirror at the same distance as the object in front of the mirror.

What is the relationship of the size of object and image to the distance of the object and image?

image distance is the distance from the point of incidence on the mirror, the where the image is reflected to.object distance is the distance from the actual object being reflected to the point of incidence on the mirror where it's reflected as an image.

How far behind the mirror is your image compared with your distance in front of the mirror?

It's equal. The way the light reflects means that you end up the same distance away from it as you are reflected in it. That's if what I remember from Physics lessons is true :P Hope this helps :)

Why image distance is denoted by q?

Image distance is denoted by the variable "q" in lens and mirror equations because it represents the distance from the lens or mirror to the location of the image. Using "q" helps to differentiate it from other distances such as object distance (usually denoted by "p") and focal length (denoted by "f").

What is the Focal length of a plane mirror?

Infinity.because the distance of object from mirror"p" and the distance from image to mirror"q" are equal,so by using formula 1/f=1/p+1/q we can find the answer as the image of plane mirror is virtual,so"q" is taken negative,so putting values 1/f=1/p-1/p(bcz p=q) 1/f=0 f=1/0 and any thing divided by zero is infinity.

What are the characteristics of images formed when an object is placed between F and P using a concave mirror?

When an object is placed between the focal point (F) and the principal focus (P) of a concave mirror, the image formed is virtual, upright, and magnified. The image is located on the same side as the object and is larger than the object itself.

What equation can you use to calculate object momentum p?

The equation to calculate object momentum is: p = m * v where p is momentum, m is mass of the object, and v is the velocity of the object.

When to use the dot operator and when to use the arrow operator in c plus plus?

You use the dot operator when the left side is the name of the object or a reference to an object, and you use the arrow operator when the left side is a pointer to an object. Example: struct foobar x, *p= &x; x.field = p->field; (&x)->field = (*p).field;

What is the value of focal length of plane mirror?

Infinity.because the distance of object from mirror"p" and the distance from image to mirror"q" are equal,so by using formula1/f=1/p+1/qwe can find the answeras the image of plane mirror is virtual,so"q" is taken negative,so putting values1/f=1/p-1/p(bcz p=q)1/f=0f=1/0and any thing divided by zero is infinity.hope this helps

Concave mirror with a focal length of 10cm creates a real image 30cm away on in princial axis how far from the mirror is its coresponding object?

The mirror formula for concave mirrors is 1/f = 1/d_o + 1/d_i, where f = focal length, d_o = object distance, and d_i = image distance. Given f = 10 cm, d_i = 30 cm, we can solve for d_o: 1/10 = 1/d_o + 1/30. Solving for d_o gives d_o = 15 cm. The corresponding object is located 15 cm away from the mirror.

How far an object has moved (speed x time)?

The distance an object has moved can be calculated by multiplying its speed by the time it has been moving. This formula assumes that the speed remains constant during the entire duration of the movement.