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Q: Why do think accurate measurement of time became possible much after accrate meassurement of length and mass?
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What would cause the AC compressor on a 2000 Chevy Malibu to go off and on?

more likely the a/c system is low on refrigerant. try adding a can of R134 that should chance the cycleling of the clutch. the most accrate way is to evacuate and recharge.

If I'm not pregnant then how accrate is an pelvic ultrasound?

According to, "Scan technicians estimate the length of the pregnancy by measuring the embryo and comparing these results with a chart of standard sizes/gestations. The earlier the scan is performed, the more accurate these comparisons. Even so, scan 'dates' are only accurate to within five days. A scan performed later than 20-24 weeks cannot accurately assess gestation." == In addition 2 different techs even on the same day can get 2 different sets of results, it can vary because of their techniques or because of the position the baby is in. If you have to go for numerous scans & want consistancy, ask for the same tech every time you go. It also depends on the age of the machine, they can be quite finicky...the newer ones do all the figuring for the techs all they have to do is input the data they are receiving.

Is Google translate accrate?

You shouldn't use google translate It may be right sometimes....but its mostly wrong. I used it for English to spanishor Spanish to English,and I found out that it wasn't tht trustworthy. For example If u typed in fly, how doyou know if the translate put the right kind of fly???? And do not use google translate for spanish homework or for other languages. They mix up the verb tenses a lot!!!!!AnswerGoogle translate isn't word for word, but it does translate the gist of the message. I use it to read my facebook messages from my Danish friend.

Why is a platform balance more accurate than a triple beam balance?

A platform balance typically has a larger weighing platform, which allows for more precise measurements of larger quantities of material. It also tends to have a higher weight capacity than a triple beam balance. Additionally, platform balances are less sensitive to external factors like air currents, making them more accurate for certain applications.

What is a hostile militant?

im not 100% accrate and wont give you a real wikipedia style answor. Im only 13 and im working on my gcse in English im learning the same things in poetry. A hostile militant is somebody who uses forceful takting in military roles. hope that explains it a little but the word is quite ambiguous like terrorist and guerrilla warrior. :L <3 katelyn x

What is the difference between FEM and FDM?

Finite Element Method (FEM) is a numerical technique for solving partial differential equations by dividing the domain into smaller elements and solving for the behavior of each element. Finite Difference Method (FDM) approximates derivatives by discretizing the domain into grid points and computing the derivative at each grid point. FEM is more versatile in handling complex geometries, while FDM is simpler to implement for regular grids.

How high of winds can a sandstorm have?

Depends, You have to time it to be 90% accrate First and foremost the prevailing wind speed will determine the speed at which any sandstorm moves; further the wind will have had to have reached a velocity that equals a speed capable of lifting the sand into the air. It goes that the larger and heavier the sand, the faster the wind and consequently the faster the storm. Speeds of at least 130 km/h have been recorded in Iran.