

Why do we need a scale?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: Why do we need a scale?
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What model does not need a scale?

a road map does not need a scale :) your welcome

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You need a 1:8 scale car which is the same scale for the person.

Digital Scale?

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Because differences (or changes) in temperatures need to be measured on an absolute scale not a scale with its zero at an arbitrary point.

How do you use a digital scale?

Power on the scale, waiting the screen appears zero, then you can put you scale on your scale. If not stable, you need to calibrate your scale as the instruction said.

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Thermometers need numbers on a ----- to give a temperature reading?

Thermometers need numbers on a scale to give a temperature reading.

How many pitches to you need to lower to change a Major Scale to a Minor Scale?

To change a major scale to a natural minor scale, lower the 3rd, 6th, and 7th scale degrees.

How mean can a dog can get in the scale of 1 to 10?

You need to define how mean the scale points are.

Why does a scale need a map?

The map needs a scale so that distances on the map can be worked out.

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do hairdressers need a science qualifiction