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Q: Why do we need to measure extremly small interval of times?
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Why you need to measure extremely small interval of times?

We need small values of delta t as the smaller is the time interval better resolution of signal is possible. Also, the highest frequency in frequency domain is inversely proportional to delta t. So higher delta t in time domain results in higher the maximum frequency in frequency domain.

Why do we need to measure extremely small interval of times?

We need to measure extremely small intervals of time because sometimes the normal hours, minutes, and seconds just doesn't cut it. Some events just happen too fast to be measured in regular seconds. It's much easier to describe an incredibly fast event as happening in 2.3 microseconds rather than in 0.0000023 seconds.

What does s-p interval mean?

S-P interval means the integer minus the integer. The difference times nine.

What is the definition of interval?

An interval is the distance between two notes.Example: The interval between C and C-sharp is a half step.The interval between C and D is a whole step!Another Times T2 crossword answer to 14d... entre'acte

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in between q and s times 2

What is Galileo's formula with distance accleraction and time?

distance equals initial velocity times change in time interval plus half of accerlation plus time interval squared

In what ways is the measurement 3.2 m like 3.20 m and how is it different?

There are alike in that they are the same measurement. However, the first is to 1 decimal place whereas the second is to 2 decimal places - it is more accurate: the first could be anywhere from 3.15 to 3.249999 whereas the second could be from 3.195 to 3.20499999

How long is your small intestin?

The small intestines in humans can measure up to about 20 feet (6 meters) in length.

How can you measure weight?

Weight is the term for the mass times the acceleration. To measure that, you multiply the mass times the acceleration

How can measure weight?

Weight is the term for the mass times the acceleration. To measure that, you multiply the mass times the acceleration

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A micrometer is usually used as a unit of measure for very small distances or thicknesses. It is 1/1000000 of a meter or a millionth of a meter.