You add or subtract only the numerators
No. Convert them to like denominators and add the numerators.
To add fractions, you cannot simply add the numberators and add the denominators. To add fractions, they must first have the same denominator. Once they have the same denominator, you can then simply add the numerators.
You add or subtract only the numerators
When adding like fractions, only the numerators are added.
You first add the numerators then take the denominator to the bottom of the sum of the numerators.
If the denominator is the same, you just add the numerators - just as with plain numbers.
It stays the same. Only the numerators change.
No. Convert them to like denominators and add the numerators.
To add fractions, you cannot simply add the numberators and add the denominators. To add fractions, they must first have the same denominator. Once they have the same denominator, you can then simply add the numerators.
add numerators
Unless you are using a calculator that adds them for you, it is much harder to add fractions with uncommon denominators. Having the same denominator allows you to only have to add the numerators for your answer.
Yes because the numerators add up to equal a whole number which is 1