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Because for much of the earth's early history, living things were made up of soft tissue only.

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Q: Why do we only have fossils of a fraction of the thing have existed on earth?
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Yeah, very right!

The remains of a once living thing?

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What is the term for the remain of thing found in rock?

The terms are fossils.

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What do scientists believe may be the oldest living thing on Earth?

Microorganisms.Microorganisms already existed in space, floating about on space debris like ice and rock, long before Earth even existed. This is confirmed by microfossils found on meteorites that have crashed into the Earth.Studies indicate that the first living thingson Earth were single-celled microorganisms called Archaea.

How are fossils useful to historians and geologists?

Fossils provide valuable evidence of past life forms, allowing historians and geologists to study the evolution of species and ecosystems over time. They help to reconstruct past environments, understand ancient climates, and date rock layers, providing insights into the Earth's history. Additionally, fossils can offer clues about the conditions that existed during different geological periods.

What thing existed on earth first?

The first living things on Earth, single-celled micro-organisms lacking a cell nucleus or cell membrane and known as prokaryotes first appeared on Earth almost four billion years ago.

What part of the fossils are found?

the most obvious thing is bones

Are gems fossils?

yes they are the same thing but gems are not that ancient