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Sometimes you round up or round down numbers to get close to the correct answer so that you can make sure that your answer is right. If your answer is not close to the rounding down of the numbers you are using then you need to look it over and do it again.

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Q: Why do we sometime round up or down numbers?
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No, the numbers are already rounded. The answer is 1300.

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Numbers 0 to 4 round down; 5 to 9 round up. 54 rounds to 50. 55 rounds to 60. So 50 rounds to 100.

How would you do a safe estimate with the numbers 54 and 38?

The answer depends on what operation you wish to carry out with the two numbers. If subtraction or division, the I would round both down or both up. If addition or multiplication, then I would round one up and the other down.

How many numbers can be rounded to 500?

The short answer is, infinite. With just integers, There are 498 numbers that can round up to 500, and 498 that can round down. If we include partial numbers, there are infinite, since the numbers can get infinitesimally small.

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When you have numbers 0 to 4, you want to round down. From 5 to 9, you round up. 3.52 and 3.53 both end in the round down category. It will be 3.5

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19.05 rounded to one decimal place is 19.1. Numbers above 5 (inclusive) round up, numbers below round down. To be accurate do not round unnecessarily.

How do you answer the nearest hundreds?

If the numbers before the hundred value are less than 50, you round down. If they are 50 or above, you round up. So, 149 rounds down to 100, 150 rounds up to 200.

How do you estimate 1482 3909?

The answer depends on what operation you wish to carry out with the two numbers. If subtraction or division, the I would round both down or both up. If addition or multiplication, then I would round one up and the other down.

Round off 430?

To round off 430 you will have to round up or down. To round down then it till be 400 to round up it will be 500

Do you round up or down 60.33333?

To round to the nearest whole number, round down to 60. To round to the nearest hundred, round up to 100.