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the reason is because a circle is divided in 3 parts and the left overs are .14 so when you measure the ciecumference, you times the diameter by 3.14 and you get the correct answer to the question.EX: R=3.5cm D=7cm 7cm so that is why we use pi . x 3.14



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Q: Why do we use Pi to find the circumference and area of a circle?
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if it is the radius you can find area or circumference

Area of a circle is 36 square centimeters what is the circumference of the circle?

The area of a circle with radius r is pi*r*r and its circumference is 2*pi*r Use the first to find r and then use that value of r in the second to find the circumference.

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Divide the circumference by 2*pi which then will give you the radius and use pi*radius2 to find the area of the circle

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Use the standard formula for the area of a circle to find out the circle's radius. Then multiply that by 2 x pi, to get the circumference.

What about pai in mathmatic?

Pi in math is use to find the circumference or area of a circle.

How do you find the area of a circle knowing only the circumference?

To find the area of a circle knowing only the circumference, you can use the formula A = (C^2) / (4π), where A is the area and C is the circumference. Square the circumference, then divide it by 4π to get the area.

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Circumference is what you use when finding the area of a circle.

How do you find the circumfrence of a circle when you have the area?

Divide the area by pi then square root your answer which will give the radius of the circle and use 2*pi*radius to find the circumference.

Is pi a math term?

Yes it is the number u use to find the area and circumference of a circle

What is the circumference of a circle is 22 units what is the area?

Divide the circumference by (2 x pi) to get the radius. Then use the formula for the area of the circle.

How do you find the circumference if you a have the area?

You can find the circumference of a circle if you know its area by using the formulas for area and circumference. First, use the formula for area: A = pi r2. Replace A with the number for the area. Solve the formula for r, the radius of the circle, dividing A by pi and taking the square root of the answer. Once you have the number for r, the radius of the circle, plug that value in place of r in the formula for the circumference: C = 2 pi r. Then you can calculate the circumference of the circle by multiplying pi times twice the radius.

Write a shell program to find the area and circumference of the circle?

echo -n "Enter the radius of a circle : "read r# use formula to get itarea=$(echo "scale=2;3.14 * ($r * $r)" | bc)# use formula to get itd=$(echo "scale=2;2 * $r"|bc)circumference=$(echo "scale=2;3.14 * $d"| bc)echo "Area of circle is $area"echo "Circumference of circle is $circumference"# ###