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Q: Why do we use five number summary on box plots?
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What are box plots?

Box plots are box-and-whiskers plot. Basically, it represents a set of data by marking its five number summary: lowest, quartile 1, median, quartile 3, and highest. Moreover, it also shows a dotted connection to outliers. See the link in the related links section below for an example of what it looks like.

What are the advantages of box and whisker plots?

It's eaiser to see the outlier ( odd number) out of the data.

What is the five-number summary needed for a box plot of this data?

The box plot uses the minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile and maximum. The questioner has not provided the data which would enable their values to be calculated.

Are line graphs the same as box and whisker plots?

No because box and whisker plots are related to cumulative frequency curves

Are box plots and dot plots similar?

spatial figure

What are box-n-whisker plots used for?

A basic summary of data or a simple comparison of a few sets of data.A basic summary of data or a simple comparison of a few sets of data.A basic summary of data or a simple comparison of a few sets of data.A basic summary of data or a simple comparison of a few sets of data.

Which dialog box enables you to specify the result cells for scenario summary report?

The Scenario Manager dialog box has a button called Summary which opens the Scenario Summary dialog box, in which you can specify the result cells.The Scenario Manager dialog box has a button called Summary which opens the Scenario Summary dialog box, in which you can specify the result cells.The Scenario Manager dialog box has a button called Summary which opens the Scenario Summary dialog box, in which you can specify the result cells.The Scenario Manager dialog box has a button called Summary which opens the Scenario Summary dialog box, in which you can specify the result cells.The Scenario Manager dialog box has a button called Summary which opens the Scenario Summary dialog box, in which you can specify the result cells.The Scenario Manager dialog box has a button called Summary which opens the Scenario Summary dialog box, in which you can specify the result cells.The Scenario Manager dialog box has a button called Summary which opens the Scenario Summary dialog box, in which you can specify the result cells.The Scenario Manager dialog box has a button called Summary which opens the Scenario Summary dialog box, in which you can specify the result cells.The Scenario Manager dialog box has a button called Summary which opens the Scenario Summary dialog box, in which you can specify the result cells.The Scenario Manager dialog box has a button called Summary which opens the Scenario Summary dialog box, in which you can specify the result cells.The Scenario Manager dialog box has a button called Summary which opens the Scenario Summary dialog box, in which you can specify the result cells.

What do box and whisker plots tell you about data that measures of central tenancy do not?

The box and whisker plot informs you of the 5 number summary, which comprises of the minimum and maximum, the median, and the first and third quartiles. The minumum and maximum give you the range, which is not given by measures of central tendancy. also, if it a modified box and whisker plot, outliers will be marked separatley from the rest of the plot, outliers are also not included in the measures of center.

How do you compare box plots?

by looking at it and seeing the difference

Can box and whisker plots have intervals?

Yes, I believe they can.

What does the 88 represent on a box and whisker plot?

Nothing. Most box and whisker plots do not have 88 on them!

When do you use box plot?

Visual organizer for a 5 number summary. Makes it easy to observe central tendancys.