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It's easier to stay. We as humans resist change. Some people actually feed off each other and their whole relationship is arguing. One could say the sky is blue, while the other will know it's a true statement, but say it's gray! I have a sister and brother-in-law who have fought since the day they met. They have been married 33 years. There is no doubt in my mind from hanging around them that they love each other. It may not make much sense, but, to them I suppose life isn't normal unless they are arguing with each other. Even their teenage kids tell them to grow up, but, they just quickly smile and continue on. What you have to decide is ... do you like drama? Do YOU like to argue? If not, then there is no reason you can't either work together with a counselor or just walk out the door. It's got to be love on both your parts. Marcy

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Q: Why do you continue to hang on to one another if you argue all the time and why doesn't one of you just walk away and end this relationship?
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haha. awww, hate to break it to you hunni, but just cause the two of you argue alot , doesnt mean you like each other :)

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One answer: It is both verb or noun ---------------------- Another answer: "Argue" is a verb; it is not a noun in standard English. The nouns that relate to "argue" include "argument" and "arguer" but "argue" is a verb.

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it is perfectly healthy and somewhat expected, just because you're in a relationship doesn't mean that you have to agree on everything.

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How about argumentative? usually ready to argue

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Alot of times, its just to see what happens. Will the female get a rise? Will she get mad? ect. Another reason is to test the limits of the relationship. Dumb yes i agree, but some do it. Finally, maybe he is honestly unhappy in the relationship. If it bothers you, tell him, and see what he says. You shouldn't have to put up with constant complaints.

Another word for argue?

Debate, Disagree, Quarrell. Hope this helped :)