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Q: Why do you find the equation for the tables a n d graphs?
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Were can you find graphs on whaling?

Ermmtry looking on green peace :D.. Hope that helpss

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v = d/t

Does equation mean find the answer?

well the equation is the problem you need to do in order to finf=d the answer. like 1+1=? 1+1 is the equation.

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plug in a 0 for the "x" value of the equation, and solve it :D

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The equation used to find the velocity of an object is v = d/t, where v is the velocity, d is the distance traveled, and t is the time taken to travel that distance.

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a d = fDivide each side of the equation by 'd' :a = f/d

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Distance = Speed * Time.

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The equation to find power in terms of force (F), distance (d), and time (t) is: P = F * d / t

What is the Applications of statistics in banking and finance?

statistics has nothing to do with real banking but it has scope in research and development department as in every r & d sector it uses tables and graphs and measures of central tendency to show the real result or expected one etc.

How do you find the discriminant and number of real solutions to a quadratic equation?

The equation ax^2 + bx + c = 0 where a, b and c are real and a is non-zero has discriminant D = b^2 &ndash; 4ac. Then,if D > 0 the equation has two real roots which are distinct;if D = 0 the equation has two real roots which are coincident;if D < 0 the equation has two roots which form a complex conjugate pair (advanced mathematics only).

What is a range in graphs?

Its the highest number minues the lowest number :D

Which equation could be used to find the number of days d in h hours?

Since a day has 24 hours, you divide the hours by 24. In equation form:h = 24dor the equivalent:d = h/24