I don't. Some people might, though. People get angry about all sorts of things for no good reason.
The word 'angry' has two syllables.
Angry has two syllables. An-gry.
math 7
Math that is in none of the catagories of math
He angry from Greg grades in math
He angry from Greg grades in math
Yes it does have it
beacus the question of the mats is not dificult
least angry means your not that angry most angry means your very angry
The difference is we don't say "angry at." We say mad at or angry with. You can be angry with a person or their actions, you can be angry at a situation.
The proper English is "I am angry with you" or "I am angry at you.""In you" means that something is inside of you, not that the person is angry at them.
There is no pronoun.
very very angry
Angry is a person who is not happy. A person might get angry if he/she is provoked.
Angry birds spaceAngry birds Rio Angry birds space Angry birds star wars Angry birds Angry birds seasons
The next angry birds after space is the next angry birds space